We believe Jesus is not just something we believe in, but is someone we follow with our whole lives.
We are imperfect people who are working hard to grow as individuals and to care for one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.
We believe we are called to be joining in God’s redemptive work in our neighbourhood and in the whole world.
Sign up to receive Emmanuel’s weekly email newsletter. Every Wednesday afternoon, we will send an email with information on upcoming events and news about Emmanuel and our denomination.
We believe it is important to give to God a portion of what we receive, our time, our gifts and skills, and our finances. We trust that God will use these offerings to multiply God’s work in the world. At Emmanuel we have three ways you are able to give: in-person; from your bank through direct deposit or interac e-transfer; and through CHIMP (Charitable Impact), our online giving portal, linked below.
Watch Emmanuel’s Sunday worship services, featuring Pastor Eric and special guest preachers, as well as a special children’s message each week. The two most recent services are available my clicking one of the options to the right. To view past sermons, click the button below.